How to find reliable partners and clients in Europe
s-peek’s suggested companies helps you find reliable clients, suppliers and business partners.

Finding reliable customers, identifying prominent partners, looking for new suppliers and verifying who your competitors are, is a full-time job. Which it often falls on the already overburdened shoulders of entrepreneurs.
In s-peek there is a tool that helps you discover the most interesting companies for your business and to immediately verify their soundness: suggested companies.
How it works
The tool is inspired by e-commerce services; when you buy a product online, an algorithm often suggests other products bought from people who have made the same purchase.
The companies suggested by s-peek are selected in the same way. s-peek cross-checks the searches of all users who have purchased the same report and shows you the companies you might be interested in.
Suppose, for example, you have purchased the Extended12M report of an important client. The same report has been purchased by other three users, along with those of other companies. s-peek merges all the data and shows you the companies close to your searches.

Direct and portfolio suggestions
You may have noticed the tab "suggested companies" in s-peek's menu. Here you can find the companies you might be interested in according to those you already added to the portfolio. This section can be useful to know the players working in yours or related sectors.
However, sometimes you may look for more targeted advice. For this reason, the same tool has been included in the "extra" section of the FLASH or Extended12M reports. Here you can find other companies searched by those who bought the same report.
The traffic light suggests whether the company is healthy or risky, allowing you to immediately check the soundness of potential clients, partners or suppliers.

to learn how to financially
evaluate partners,
competitors and customers